Thursday, November 4, 2010

Louis Vuitton Needs Me?

Alright, so I'm not one of those girls who is obsessed with designers, I just happen to subscribe to InStyle Magazine and would do anything for a Louis Vuitton hat box suitcase. Honestly though, most of my wardrobe is from either Ross or Forever XXI, but I have always dreamed of owning a gorgeous, durable hat box suitcase and Louis Vuitton happens to make one that fits my every need: quality, durability, looks and size. Observe:

The fact that it costs more than my husband and I make in a month is a bit discouraging but not a complete turn off. This will just have to be one of those items I'll dream about owning and would purchase if I ever had such a disposable income.

Back to the point, my husband's jewelry shop does repair work for the Nordstrom's in our area and they referred Louis Vuitton to us! So, since I go in and pick up the repairs, I get to go to Louis Vuitton too!!!!! :) I think by the number of times I have said Louis Vuitton in this post you can understand how excited I am. This means I will be spending about 20 minutes in front of my closet to come to the conclusion that I have nothing to wear and how it would all be better if I just owned a Louis Vuitton hat box..........then I'll throw something on that I picked out in the first 5 minutes and rush out the door because I will inevitably be late.

So wish me luck, I am hoping to impress them so much with my outfit and pizzazz that they want to offer me my choice of any one item for free, which would of course be my beloved hat box, and that they don't solely focus on the childish smile and awe on my face coupled with the pinch of discomfort from my 4" tall high heels, which I love but need to learn to walk in. :)