Thursday, May 19, 2011


I just saw this music video for Adele's Rolling In The Deep song. Now, I already loved Adele but this music video just sealed the deal. She has a fantastic voice for one but the video totally captivates me, seriously, I get the chills every time. There's nothing really life changing about it but it just happens to have all the elements I love about watching music being played out. Let's break it down shall we:
  • She sings along and looks fierce, but I love how it's not all about her.
  • There's dancing, a must have, but it's beautiful and awesome at the same time. Pretty much genius in the way they play up the movements.
  • They emphasize the beat of the drums........need I say more? Usually the main reason why I like songs is the beat and when they show it off well in videos I'm hooked. They nail it with the water, brilliant by the way, with the light over the drummer, and with the dishes. SO good.
Now that I have thoroughly explained to you my love for this video and simultaneously confirmed your suspicion that I'm off my rocker, please enjoy the show if you haven't seen it already.

Right???!!???!??!?! The dancing samurai in powdered sugar is my favorite. I wish I could be that graceful, I also wish that I could sing like Adele, wow.