Thursday, August 27, 2009

Current Hobbies

Lately I have been wanting to read a good book and something that I know I'll get caught up in. Well, a couple of friends suggested the Harry Potter books because they loved the whole series and I thought that I should finish it up. I have read the first three but couldn't get past the big Quiditch match at the beginning of the fourth. I know that I may sound like a nerd to you but I like them and I have started to read them again. I am on the second book and I am determined to read the entire series this time. Dom gives me a hard time about reading these. He says it hurts his soul to see his wife reading these books. I am hoping one day he will just give it up and read them too. I got him to read Twilight but he says Edward would kick Harry's butt any day. Whatever.

Something else that I have been up to is Dom and I have started to watch Lost. He was sucked into the fourth season when his roommates were watching it and so now we are starting at the beginning. It's so weird but they have a knack for leaving you wanting more. Cliffhangers are their specialty. There are 25 episodes in the first season alone and they aren't short episodes either. I don't know what we are on now but I am sad to say that I am actually getting into it. I think that I should be able to use this as leverage to get Dom to read Harry Potter with me but somehow I just don't think it will fly. Anyway, this is what I have been up to lately.

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