Monday, March 1, 2010

Lots To Look Forward To

It's the beginning of a new month, a month full of amazing events that I honestly can't wait for. Event number one, my husband and I will be celebrating our first year of marriage this weekend!!!! We just booked this amazing barn type loft, as seen above, in the Mendocino area. We plan on enjoying our time together lounging around this gorgeous little place and then adventuring out into the town and even heading up to Fort Bragg. All I need to do is get a gift for Dom. No worries though, I already know the perfect gift to get him, phew.

Next up on the list of events is seeing my mom!!! That's the two of us when we went to a work convention in San Francisco. She is coming to visit and bringing along the new little addition to the family, Piper. She is the one asleep on the desk. I can't wait to see this little girl. I figure my mom and I will knit, shop, and maybe cook. I am hoping she can try and teach me how to create something edible.

Only a few days after my mom goes home, my wonderful friend Brookie is coming up to visit!!! This picture was taken during my birthday trip to Chicago. I don't know how it all worked out this way but I am just too freaking excited to care. We will also be knitting, then beading, visiting a childhood friend of both of ours who happens to live by me now and who happens to be my hairdresser and will be cutting both of our hair while we visit, and chit chatting about any and everything. I am just too excited for words. When God wants to cheer you up, He really goes all out. :)


Emily said...

Sounds like an oh-so fun, busy month. And Happy Anniversary! I don't think I ever tire of having people visit (especially good friends and parents).

Emilee Sutherland said...

so happy for you Candice!! Happy Anniversary - wow can't believe it has been a year already!