Thursday, September 2, 2010


That's right, my husband wrote me yesterday saying, "How about we ditch small group and go to a baseball game instead?" Me being the epitome of a good Christian replied, "Yes! That sounds like a blast." I've been a bit disappointed with my small group lately but that's a whole different story. Anyway, Dom got us tickets to a local baseball game for tonight and I am stoked to go. I used to have this bomb, all black cap but I lost it, so yesterday, as I was doing the grocery shopping, I bought this really cute one that says Ford on it. It has the mesh back like a trucker hat and it's all tattered in the front. I'll try to remember to take pictures at the game to show you. I wanted to look like an authentic baseball fan, since I like watching live baseball but have only been to a few games in my life.

My plan is to get all dolled up in the hopes of scoring a free T-Shirt or something and if not, I'll settle for looking cute for my husband. :) I love it when he does stuff like this and since it doesn't happen every other day, I really appreciate it and enjoy it when it does. It makes it special. So, I'm off to start the dolling up process. Hopefully my next post contains some pictures of the fun night to come.


MrsAngeloParisi said...

so THATS why Dom is itching to get out of here ;) You're so funny. I love how you love getting all dolled up for things :) It's too fun

Emily said...

Sounds like fun to me!
I hope to see pictures.