Monday, September 27, 2010


Oh man, since the sickness, visitor and overall laziness I have converted our apartment into a Hoarders: Buried Alive episode. No joke. I finally got some motivation and cleaned up the nastiest part, the kitchen. I took out two full trash bags, boxes and empty containers and then cleaned the dirty dishes. I felt so good after but unfortunately this was only the beginning. I didn't take pictures of the kitchen because that would just be too embarrassing, I prefer to retrieve my humilation by typing out detailed descriptions for the whole world to see. :) Anyway, I did take pictures of some of the mess that collected on top of my desk:

This was what was piled up on top of my desk, sky hi. I had all of this teetering on the corner while I still typed and surfed. Once it started falling onto my keyboard and messing up my messages I decided it was time to clear it off.

It may look like a tornado hit but there is a method to my madness. Each one of these piles has a classification: put away, file away, find a home, go through.....etc. I don't know if anyone else uses this method or if you happen to be too mature to even implement a system like this since you put things away when you get them........whatever, but I find it strangely therapeutic to take an absolute mess like this and organize it. I don't use this as an excuse to go crazy with my messiness but when it happens, and I finally get around to cleaning it, I am left felling good about myself. I just push away the truth that I would never have had to do that if I had just been organized in the first place. Repression never hurt anybody right?

Now, I can finally see the bottom of my desk:

It's still not perfect but I'm getting there. I awoke with the intention of going on a cleaning rampage but work actually got in the way. I know, I actually had more than a couple hours of work to do today. :) I have some errands to complete but when I get home I will continue to blast my awesome new playlist and clean my apartment. I wonder if my neighbors are getting tired of "Like A G6" yet?

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

When you're done with your apartment, I'll give you my address and you can bring your tornado through my house. My neighbors are all gone during the day so you can blast your new playlist too and they won't care! :=)