Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 27: A Physical Feature You Love

Ok, so I don't know if this means a physical feature I love on me, a physical feature I love on someone else, or physical feature I love in general? Hmmmm, Maybe I'll just address all three. On me that's a toughie, I'm picky about my physical features just like everyone else but I guess I would have to say my hips. I mean I have them, they're wide and they prove I'm half Mexican. Some of the most beautiful women to me are Latina and those curves really make it. I'm proud that I have some of that. :)

Exhibit A
Exhibit B

On someone else, that would have to be Dom's eyes. Wow, they're amazing, perfect really. They aren't exactly blue or green or hazel, they're Dom color and he has long, beautiful eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows to go with them.

They look green here but don't believe it.

A physical feature in general would have to be eyes. I mean they're the window to the soul right? It's the first thing I focus on and you are able to get so much out of someone's character by looking them in the eye, you don't have to stare them down or anything but just take a peek once and a while, you'll be surprised. :)

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