Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 28: A Scar You Have And It's Story

I don't have any dramatic scars, at least not yet, so I had a hard time coming up with something that could be visible in a picture. This is what I came up with:

You see that line? That's the best I got. I wish I could say I got it while doing something dramatic or even traumatic like saving a baby or falling down some stairs. Nope........I got this from my high heels. That's right, Candice = 0, femininity = 1. I had my legs crossed and when I uncrossed them my heels dragged across my skin and left this little beauty. I remember seeing some blood and thinking, that's ridiculous and I've had this ever since. At least I looked good at work right?

Beauty is pain.

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

Is this one of those occurrences you can laugh about now? I hope so, because the way you wrote it is funny. Sorry for your pain though!!! :=)