Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 10: A Photo Of You Taken Over Ten Years Ago

Yep, that's me when I was twelve I think. Something you should know, I've looked the same since I was tiny. Seriously, I think the only thing that has changed about me is that I have made an attempt to tame my eyebrows but the rest of my face is pretty much the same.......the body is obviously different. If you don't believe me then just look for yourself:

(One and a halfish)

Anyway, the top picture is me in my room, drawing. Let's point out some choice pieces of decor shall we? Notice the N*Sync poster on the left. Justin Timberlake was working it even then, and the Dawson's Creek poster above my bed. I honestly didn't even remember I had that, let alone put it there until my mom sent this picture to me. One last thing, the clown picture on top of my dresser. Clowns freak some people out but I don't mind them and I think it's cause I had a clown theme when I was a baby. It wasn't creepy and I am rather fond of this particular picture. If I knew where it was I might try and work it into my current art collection. Incase anyone wanted to visit me, ever, I would make sure to put it somewhere discreet. ;)

Thanks mom for riffling through pictures of your little girl for me!

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