Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 4: A Favorite Television Program

Friends......duh. What else is there? JK. I do like myself some Office, as well as, So You Think You Can Dance and a lot of Bravo competition shows but they are all easily surpassed by Friends. I mean who do you know that can't hum along with the theme song? Or know at least half of the character's names and their main personality traits? My favorite character is Chandler. I can't even count how many times I have cried from laughing at the things he has said. His physical comedy is also top notch.

I have watched through every single episode and then after I got all 10 seasons for my birthday, I watched through them again. It's safe to say that my favorite episode is from Season 4 titled, The One With The Embryos (episode 12). That's where the above picture is from. This show is just SO good. I love the characters, the comedy, the plot, and even how it ended. If anyone wants to sit through 10 seasons of Friends with me, I'm totally down. :)

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