Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 5: A Favorite Quote

Ok, I swear this whole challenge isn't about my favorites. There are actually other questions I have to answer that have nothing to do with random things I like. In fact, this is the last favorite one. Anyway, I'm not really a big quote person, I mean quotes like this. I quote movies, T.V. shows, and friends constantly but quotes where you can either gain some knowledge or teach something, hardly ever. I asked Dom and he agreed that I don't do that sort of thing so it was hard to think of one for today. I was even looking up quotes but I thought, no, I don't use this and then a light bulb went off. I have actually quoted this before and even though I got it from someone else, I still love it. Here it is:

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C.S. Lewis

My Friend Mini (Mindy) quoted this on her facebook page about our friendship and I couldn't have agreed more. We met in college, we were assigned to be roommates and one weekend when our other roommate was gone (we did miss you Sam), we decided to rearrange the entire dorm room. It took a while and we even had to take a break and eat dinner, this was pretty much our first quality time together and that quote sums up how the entire weekend went. She is now one of my best friends and was my roommate all through college. So there you have it, a quote I love and have used. :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

And she's my sister so I got to meet and love you too! yay!
Great quote too, 'cause even though she's my sister and all...I've never heard that one. I like it.