Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 24: A Movie No One Would Expect You To Love

OOoo, I have a good one for this. Even though I love movies, there are obviously some I don't care for, can't love 'em all. Tim Burton movies are usually prominent members of my dislike club but for some reason I LOVE Alice In Wonderland! I don't know what got me to watch it but I pretty much had that movie on repeat for the next week afterward. I nearly jumped for joy when Netflix brought it back to instant watch. I say back because they gave it to me, got me hooked, and then took it away. Publicizing my thoughts about this matter would be wrong so let's move on.

What is it I like about this movie? Well, in a nutshell, Johnny Depp. Not in a ooohhh he's so dreamy sort of way but in a he's so brilliant sort of way. He does a fantastic job as the Mad Hatter. This is not the only reason I like the movie though, it's fanciful, colorful, adventurous, and fun. I think Tim Burton was the perfect director for this story, I mean Alice In Wonderland is a bit odd to begin with so why not use an odd director? It worked out wonderfully.

Now I am starting the book to get a better idea of how the story was first told but so far I have only learned more about the author and......well.......let me put it this way, I think he and Tim Burton might have been good friends. So, if you haven't seen the movie yet you should. This is an official recommendation. :)

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

My daughter's theatre company produced the play last school year and it was so much fun watching children act this one out.