Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Job

(The beautiful yarn Dom got me as a gift at our Grand Opening. Did I mention it's 100% Cashmere?)

Alright, here is where I tell you all about my new job. Soooo we opened a month ago but did you really think I would get to writing about it right away? Hello, procrastination is my middle name. Anyway, lets get started. I got a new job at a yarn store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could fill the rest of this page with exclamation points and that still wouldn't get across how excited and happy I am about this new job. Knitting consumes me, I LOVE IT and so what could be better than to be surrounded by beautiful yarn and talk about knitting/crochet projects all day long?

I currently have a part-time job with a Hemophilia Healthcare Company with my family and it's great but I work from home and since I moved up here from SoCal I didn't know anyone, and never leaving the house isn't really conducive to creating a new possy. So, I went through a phase of trying to find another part-time job to try and make some headway in the friends department, although Scramble is adorable, it's just gets a little weird when you start discussing your thoughts on the latest novel you're reading with your dog. Since I refused to give up my nights and weekends with Dom, the choices were quite slim. For some reason employers in this economy aren't cool with their potential employees only willing to work when it's convenient for them, who knew? Needless to say I found nothing and gave up.

So, one day, I get an email from someone in my knitting group (yep, I have a knitting group) that there is a new yarn shop in the area and she is looking for people to hire for part-time work........the exact times I tried to get hired for! I decided to type up a resume and head over to the shop, which wasn't open yet, and talk to the owner. We immediately started talking about yarn and knitting and crochet and how much we love it and why, projects we've worked on and other interests of ours. And then Cindy (my new boss) looks at me and says, "Well, you're hired." I about died from happiness, especially since I went over knowing I wouldn't get the job because there was no way she would hire someone who hasn't been doing this forever or didn't have an extensive knowledge of yarn.............and it was just too perfect but I had a calm spirit. I prayed about it on the way over and gave it up to God one way or the other and BAM, God hits me with a very undeserved blessing.

I still work with my family, which is wonderful but my new job at Got Your Goat Yarn Studio is where I thrive. I love it! I love my boss, my co-workers, the location. Ugh, it's just such a huge blessing........serioulsy. So, to sum up, I got a new job at a yarn shop, very blessed, extremely happy. :)

You should take a look at the website, linked above, and get a sneak peak of what it looks like, or find directions so you can stop in and say hi.


Anonymous said...

Yay for new jobs. I'm so happy for you. :)

Emily said...

I would so stop by...if I lived there. I'm so excited for you. It would be so much fun to work in a yarn shop (or a fabric shop) but I'm afraid none of my paycheck would ever make it home! Yesterday I went into the local yarn shop just to feel the yarn and look. It was lovely.

Candice Parisi said...

It's such a blast and it's the thought that counts, that you wanted to stop by. :) Surprisingly I have spent less on yarn since I started working there. It pushes me to finish WIP rather than start so many new ones.

Was it that local shop you took me to? That one was really fun and eclectic. :)