Friday, November 18, 2011

We're Outta Here

Vacation time baby! Dom and I will be gone for a week visiting friends and family. We will start off meeting up with friends in Fullerton, have a mini Thanksgiving and then road trip it out to Vegas with them (I will be watching What Happens In Vegas today to prepare). Then we'll meet up with my family in Arizona, get our turkey on, then quad our little hearts out. I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!

I can't wait to be home again, places and faces I know and love. It's been too long.

I mean how to do you stay away from these guys that long?

Also, Vegas with friends? Friends that won't get too crazy but will still make it a memorable trip. Uh man, it's just too good. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm crossing over into true Twi-hard territory. My husband, sister-in-law and I are going to see Breaking Dawn tonight at midnight. We all three have read the entire series and loved it and have seen all of the movies together so we said we would go see this one opening day. Well, Dom and I won't be here tomorrow night so we are taking Havilah tonight instead. We aren't dressing up or anything but discussion of custom made shirts was had. Maybe for the last installment of the series. I'm pretty much just hoping it won't be as eventful as the last opening day experience I had. ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

There's Always Cause To Celebrate

I am still celebrating the best question I have ever been asked: Will you marry me? Last night was the three year anniversary of when Dom asked me to marry him and so I decided to surprise Dom and take him out to dinner.

I got all dressed up in his favorite dress of mine and waited for him to come home. He walked in and hugged me, said hi to the Scram, talked a little about his day and then looked down and went, "Oh, don't you look nice. Why are you all dressed up?" Another good question Mr. Parisi. I grabbed his coat and mine and headed to the car.

His wheels started turning and he asked what date he proposed? I just smiled and said I'm not sure. Then he asked where we were going and I said I'm not sure. He asked a few other questions to which I replied I'm not sure. We drove right by the yarn shop I work at and he looked disappointed. Like oh, surprise, you get to buy me yarn but no, I took him to Macaroni Grill. He really likes this restaurant.

I'm not a huge fan of this place but it had been a while since I'd gone and I do like Italian food so I thought I would give it another try............still don't like them. They do let you draw on the table though so that's fun. The hostess asked if we were celebrating an anniversary since we were dressed up and I thought I would give her a little more information about us in my doodles:

Too much? ;)

Something sweet sounded pretty good after dinner so we went and got me a cupcake from Fresh Berry. It was so good I couldn't wait to get my camera out before I took a bit. I'm craving one right now mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

It was a very nice evening spent with my husband. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby It's Not Cold Enough Outside

Finally we can use our fireplace again. I love that we have one and I love cuddling up in front of it with either knitting, a book, or Dominic. It's just a happy place of mine and, even though we have been able to use it lately, it just hasn't been cold enough. We get to use it at night but when Dom is at work during the day, I just want to flip that baby on and snuggle up. I just want to wake up in the morning and put on my slippers, make some coffee and sit in front of the fire. The time is drawing near but come on, it's November and I'm tired of waiting. Here's hoping for frost bite. ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Mini

I got to see Mindy yesterday!!!! It was so nice to be able to talk to her and enjoy her crazy little self in person. She came down on a road trip from Oregon with her friend Kelly, who I finally got to meet, she is quite fun and I hope I get to know her better. Anyway, Mins was in San Francisco, so Dom and I met up with Mini, Kelly and Kelly's Brother Sean to enjoy the city.

We picked them up and went to Golden Gate Bridge, well we went passed it and then up the hill a bit but it was SO beautiful. It was nice to get a different view of the city and the bay. Pictures galore. Below, you can see Mini dancing/singing to the song from Love Actually and Dom trying to dip me, which Mindy cut off from the picture so we just look weird. ;)

Also, we have this little beauty. Sean was asked to take a picture of the three of us and this is what I got back:

Yeah, it really deserved a zoom in so you can see that not just one of us was off but all of three of us are a little lost/confused/disturbed.

Next you can see the two different views we got of the Golden Gate. One from up high and then one from down low. We took this beautiful little trail down to the beach. It was secluded and gorgeous.

Also, there was a bunker. I have a thing for bunkers. I don't know why but I love them. I love trying to picture what they were like when they were in use and the action they experienced.

I'm telling you the view was gorgeous:

It was a fun trip, the only thing I didn't like was how short it was. Hopefully Dom and I can go and visit Mini in Oregon soon. It's quite pretty there too. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Experience

If you haven't heard, the new Call of Duty game came out. It was kind of a big deal. Dom wanted the game and I figured I would get it for him while he was at work and surprise him when he got home. Then he mentioned that he would be getting it himself and I didn't want to lose my chance, so I decided that I would somehow sneak out for half an hour at midnight and pick it up for him.

I called the local Gamestop and asked about how this whole nerd game thing worked. Would they be open at midnight? Did they have enough? Would it take a long time? To this, the guy answered in two parts, each made me groan. The first was, "Did you pre-order?" No I didn't pre-order. It's a video game, not a Gucci purse but apparently to them the game is just as important. If I didn't pre-order, I wasn't guaranteed a copy, which was a problem, and I knew this because of the next part of his answer, "A line started forming at 2pm."

Uh huh, a line. He said to come down quickly to purchase a copy and then come back at midnight to pick it up. So I got ready, asked Dom to take a quick trip with me and took him to Gamestop. At least he was surprised. We bought the game and then went home and killed time. When we went back............the line was wrapped around the building. We still had to stand in it because that was just the pick-up line.............there were wrist bands involved people. It was cold out but we hopped in line and waited.

Oh my gosh you guys, there were energy drinks, hoodies, and video game lingo. One kid asked another, "You going to school tomorrow?" to which the kid replied, "Nope." And the best part was that the line faced the street to leave so that those who had already picked up their copy were able to brag. One guy was standing out of the sun roof with a copy in each hand screaming, "WO-HOO!!" Then we were mooned, shouted at and I heard so much exhaust it was ridiculous. My favorite part was the Mini Cooper converted into a Mini Truck. :) I was the only girl there that I saw, besides the one working, and I was not surprised. Anyway, it was quite the adventure and I had fun with my sane husband.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snack Attack

It's 9:37 pm and all I want is a Krispy Kreme doughnut, strike that, I want TWO Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. One just reopened near us and I have definitely taken advantage of that a few times. I watch them come out of the fryer and my mouth waters. I love how it just kind of disappears when it hits your tongue and leaves behind this delicious taste. I've figured out what that taste is by the way. It's not just doughnut, it's funnel cake with a hint of a doughnut. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a couple fresh ones right now.........I need to calm down.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge Recap

In case you missed it. I did a 30 Day Blog Challenge where I was given something different to write about for 30 days. Here is a little recap of my solid month of blogging:

Day 1: A Favorite Song
Day 2: A Favorite Movie
Day 3: A Favorite Book
Day 4: A Favorite Television Program
Day 5: A Favorite Quote
Day 6: A Moment You Wish You Could Relive
Day 7: Five Things You Couldn't Possibly Live Without
Day 8: A Thank You Letter To Someone Who Has Changed Your Life
Day 9: A Photo You Took
Day 10: A Photo Of You Taken Over Ten Years Ago
Day 11: A Photo Of You Taken Recently
Day 12: A Song You Played At Your Wedding
Day 13: A Guilty Pleasure
Day 14: A Vacation You Would Like To Take
Day 15: A Person You Admire
Day 16: A Song That Makes You Cry
Day 17: An Art Piece
Day 18: A Time When You Felt Passionate And Alive
Day 19: A Talent Of Yours
Day 20: A Hobby Of Yours
Day 21: Something You Know You Do Differently Than Most People
Day 22: A Website
Day 23: A Way In Which You Want To Be Remembered
Day 24: A Movie No One Would Expect You To Love
Day 25: A Recipe
Day 26: A Childhood Memory
Day 27: A Physical Feature You Love
Day 28: A Scar You Have And It's Story
Day 29: Hope, Dream And Plans You Have For The Next 365 Days
Day 30: A Motto Or Philosophy

Now I did this so that I could get into the habit of blogging and right after it's done I have a 3 day absence. I didn't forget about blogging I just decided to take the weekend off and then I got busy yesterday but I have some new things to blog about so stick around. :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 30: A Motto Or Philosophy

"Know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified." -Galatians 2:16

This pretty sums up my beliefs. All it takes is accepting His magnificent gift of grace and having faith that He died for your sins, past, present and future. You cannot repay Him, and thinking that you can by living your life through works is an insult. You would be nullifying His amazing gift by thinking that it's attainable by your deeds, and it's not. That's the beauty of it, it's free! Show that you are thankful by loving Him and having a relationship with Him, but know that what you do could never "repay" Him.

This has been a great 30 days. Thank you everyone for reading along and I think I am pretty much in the habit of blogging now..............we'll see how I do from here on out. :)

P.S. The Scram picture is just because he's super cute and I didn't have a specific picture for today. Isn't he a cute baby?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 29: Hopes, Dreams And Plans You Have For The Next 365 Days

Well now let's see.............what do I want to do with my life?

Some Hopes:
  • I hope to make even more friends
  • I hope to become a better child of God
  • I hope to relax a little
Some Dreams:
  • I dream of no pain in my joints
  • I dream of a long vacation with Dom
  • I dream of contentedness
Some Plans:
  • I plan on trying new things
  • I plan on seeing family and friends
  • I plan on learning more
Who knows how the next 365 will go. I have no clue and I think making big plans or trying to make sure things go a certain way can lead to disappointment. It's good to a point but being rigid about it is not the way to go. Anyway, my year will go how it goes and I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 28: A Scar You Have And It's Story

I don't have any dramatic scars, at least not yet, so I had a hard time coming up with something that could be visible in a picture. This is what I came up with:

You see that line? That's the best I got. I wish I could say I got it while doing something dramatic or even traumatic like saving a baby or falling down some stairs. Nope........I got this from my high heels. That's right, Candice = 0, femininity = 1. I had my legs crossed and when I uncrossed them my heels dragged across my skin and left this little beauty. I remember seeing some blood and thinking, that's ridiculous and I've had this ever since. At least I looked good at work right?

Beauty is pain.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 27: A Physical Feature You Love

Ok, so I don't know if this means a physical feature I love on me, a physical feature I love on someone else, or physical feature I love in general? Hmmmm, Maybe I'll just address all three. On me that's a toughie, I'm picky about my physical features just like everyone else but I guess I would have to say my hips. I mean I have them, they're wide and they prove I'm half Mexican. Some of the most beautiful women to me are Latina and those curves really make it. I'm proud that I have some of that. :)

Exhibit A
Exhibit B

On someone else, that would have to be Dom's eyes. Wow, they're amazing, perfect really. They aren't exactly blue or green or hazel, they're Dom color and he has long, beautiful eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows to go with them.

They look green here but don't believe it.

A physical feature in general would have to be eyes. I mean they're the window to the soul right? It's the first thing I focus on and you are able to get so much out of someone's character by looking them in the eye, you don't have to stare them down or anything but just take a peek once and a while, you'll be surprised. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 26: A Childhood Memory

My mom and I used to live in Desert Hot Springs when I was little but she worked in San Bernardino, so we would have to get up super early and commute. Well, we had a little tradition of stopping off at Hadley's for a Banana Date Shake. I'm pretty sure we got them on the way home but the details are a little fuzzy from 20 years ago. Anywho, these shakes are AMAZING!!!!
It always takes me back to when I was a tiny and sitting in the front seat with my shake, having trouble seeing out the window. My mom would also let me sit in her lap and stear the car on the way home (calm down, it was on a deserted road). My mom said I was always really serious when I got behind the wheel, even when we would go on the ride Autopia at Disneyland. It's all about staying in the lines perfectly. It was such a fun time with my mom and she made me feel so special and important. It's a great memory. :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 25: A Recipe

Dominic loves French Toast. I mean the man can't get enough so I try and make it often. Here is what I do, I don't really measure but I can give you an approximation.

French Toast

4 slices of bread (french bread is best)
2 eggs
1 Tbs Vanilla Extract
3 Tbs Milk
2 tsp Cinnamon

Mix ingredients, submerge bread in batter and fry on buttered pan.

I did not test the measurements, I usually just eyeball it and I think what I listed is pretty close. So if you try it, just go with what you feel is right, it's mainly about the ingredients. My family has always used vanilla in our French Toast batter and I love it and so does Dom, he also LOVES cinnamon so I put in a lot. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 24: A Movie No One Would Expect You To Love

OOoo, I have a good one for this. Even though I love movies, there are obviously some I don't care for, can't love 'em all. Tim Burton movies are usually prominent members of my dislike club but for some reason I LOVE Alice In Wonderland! I don't know what got me to watch it but I pretty much had that movie on repeat for the next week afterward. I nearly jumped for joy when Netflix brought it back to instant watch. I say back because they gave it to me, got me hooked, and then took it away. Publicizing my thoughts about this matter would be wrong so let's move on.

What is it I like about this movie? Well, in a nutshell, Johnny Depp. Not in a ooohhh he's so dreamy sort of way but in a he's so brilliant sort of way. He does a fantastic job as the Mad Hatter. This is not the only reason I like the movie though, it's fanciful, colorful, adventurous, and fun. I think Tim Burton was the perfect director for this story, I mean Alice In Wonderland is a bit odd to begin with so why not use an odd director? It worked out wonderfully.

Now I am starting the book to get a better idea of how the story was first told but so far I have only learned more about the author and......well.......let me put it this way, I think he and Tim Burton might have been good friends. So, if you haven't seen the movie yet you should. This is an official recommendation. :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 23: A Way In Which You Want To Be Remembered

I want to remembered as useful. I'm not a natural leader, I don't like to run the show but I do like to play an important part. I like to take care of the small things that people may overlook but if it wasn't there, or not taken care of, then the whole thing wouldn't go as smooth. For example, I don't feel comfortable being a hostess or in charge of a big event but I love bringing desserts and making sure there is enough of this or that for everyone. That may not seem like much but if you went to a party and there were no snacks or not enough chairs you probably didn't enjoy it as much as you could have.

That's a small example but hopefully you get the gist. I'm more of a quiet person, shy for a bit and eventually I come out of my shell but I don't mind being known for this, I just want it to be coupled with being useful. Taking care of those small things that don't steal the spot light but are still vital for success. Does this make any sense, ugh, this question was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Well, good luck trying to figure out what I meant. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 22: A Website

A website..........Google, ever heard of it? JK. How about Most likely if you know me, you've heard of Ravelry. It's an online community for knitters and crocheters. There is a huge database full of free patterns, as well as, ones you can purchase. Also, you can upload pictures of your projects and give details about how you made it or what yarn you used, that way others can see how the pattern turns out. You can look up yarns and see how they knit up or find out where to buy them. It's wonderful and responsible for about 25 50% of my time. ;)

It's free to join, in case you haven't already signed up, and my Ravelry name is castandcount. Look me up or send a message, whatever you feel like. If I learn you are new to the site, I will probably keel over in excitement that you, not only learned about the site here, but also joined it! Happy pattern searching. :)

This is the login you are greeted with. Love all the fiber.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 21: Something You Know You Do Differently Than Most People

Hmmm, I've been thinking about this one since I first read it and I just can't come up with anything better than what I first thought of. So here it goes, I eat Doritos differently than most people. I like to lick off all the cheese powder and then eat the chip. Gross huh? It so good this way though. I sometimes like to eat dessert before dinner but I am pretty sure everyone under 10 likes this too so I'm sticking with the Dorito thing. Try it sometime, you might be surprised. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 20: A Hobby Of Yours

I'll give you one guess as to what I'm going to say.................Yep, KNITTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Hurray. :) I knit all the time, or as much as my wrists and hands allow. I had to take an extended break recently and it nearly killed me, especially since it didn't do much good. Oh well. Now I'm back and trying to work on my tension so that I don't kill my joints.

This hobby just plain makes me happy. I LOVE it! I love all the different colors and feeling of the yarn and the way it can play a pattern up to make it even better. I love knowing that I can make something for myself or others that I put a lot of care into. Each stitch you're thinking about that person and if the object is for me then I'm thinking about how much fun it will be to use it.

It's just two stitches, knit and purl and when you mess around with them you can make beautiful things like this:

Or this:

Who wouldn't want to do that? I hate realizing that there probably isn't enough time in one lifespan to knit everything I want to make but oh well, maybe there will be knitting in heaven. I would love to wrap Jesus in my knitting and say, hey thanks for that whole grace thing, it's pretty cool. :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 19: A Talent Of Yours

Talent? Ugh, really? This is something else I just don't do. I can't all, I can't do a back flip and I'm not a great public speaker, so what do I say? I guess I have a talent for face mobility or rather facial dexterity. You're probably wondering what this means, let me explain. I have pretty good control over my facial muscles. I can do the whole eyebrow wave thing, I can scrunch each side of my nose individually, I can make my lips criss cross, wink quickly, wiggle my ears individually as well, and my tongue can flip and make a clover.

This little talent of mine is not exactly going to take me far, in fact sometimes it gets me into trouble. My mom would always have to remind me that when I would go to friends house's for dinner to try and control my reactions to the food. If I didn't pay attention, they would give away how I really felt about it. I've gotten better over time but if I'm relaxed around you then my face will always give me away. ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 18: A Time When You Felt Passionate And Alive

Now obviously I could say knitting, I feel passionate and alive every time I knit. I could, and do, spend hours looking at patterns and thinking about yarn but since I could literally answer knitting for the next five posts, I'll choose something else for this one.

Hmmmmmm, passionate and alive huh? Just to let you know, I'm not a very passionate person. I just don't get that way about stuff. There have probably only been three passions in my life and since I said I wouldn't use one for this and the other is quite obvious, since he's shown up in almost every post, I will use the remaining one here. Drum roll please............VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!

It's not so much a passion now since I no longer play but when I did, I LOVED it! I think it should still count since it says a time when, not what makes you feel passionate and alive now. Anyway, I had an amazing high school team. We went to finals and then lost in a very close five game match. It was devastating, seriously worst day ever. I know, it's just a game but since I was passionate about it I was heartbroken because we SO deserved it. I'm not bitter anymore..............really, I'm not.........moving on. ;)

We worked hard but we had fun and our, what should have been two hour but always ended up being three hour, practices were pretty much the most fun you can have working out. We would be winded, sweating like pigs and all bruised but we always left with a smile. Our team became quite close too. The picture above is from a team retreat we took before our senior year. We did all kinds of team building exercises and learned a lot about each other. These girls were like my family and I am so happy to still be in touch with a lot of them. Seriously, you should have been there, we did some pretty silly things in order to build trust. Let me show you:

Now I don't know how this built up trust but let me tell you, dressing up like g-units and then taking pictures of it definitely made these girls my homies. I miss this time in my life, pretty much organized sports in general but I have a ton of fond memories to look back on and lots of close friends to relive it with. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 17: An Art Piece

My friend Kelsey made this for me. I LOVE it. She does great abstract art and I asked her to do a small piece for me once and she came up with this. It was pretty much my life at the time and then what she saw in the future. The yellow stripe represents me and the white is God. The small, vertical red line represents when I got saved. It's the only straight line for that reason. Then there is a sputter of yellow under the orange line, representing a sputtering out of an influence from my past (big answer to prayer). The orange stripe represents Dominic and how she predicted it would be me, Dom and God from then on I don't know, but she definitely got it right. She made this in 2007. Thank you so much Kelsey for my favorite piece of artwork. :)

I started this post at 5:25pm and so it shall remain. I did not mess up two days in a row. Denial runs very strong after midnight I've found.

Day 16: A Song That Makes You Cry

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's 12:34pm and I was in bed all ready to go to sleep and realized........I DIDN'T BLOG!!!! So since I didn't fall asleep yet, it's still today. At least I made it half way through without any hiccups.

Now, onto the challenge. Songs don't really move me like this, at least not by themselves. Watching a performance or a music video to a good song can bring me to tears, especially when I'm a bit more sensitive, then stupid commercials like, "Be all you can be" can start the water works.

I have been thinking about this one for a while though and I do recall one song that did me in, it was a song Dom wrote for me. He made up the piano music and the words and it's beyond amazing. He is quite talented but I was totally blown away with this one. The words are so loving and special and the music was, of course, great but I don't feel like sharing it with you. Sorry, but part of the effect this song had on me was that Dom wrote it special for me and when he preformed it I literally cried because it was just that good and sharing every part of that with everyone might be more than I am willing to do. Just take my word for it, IT'S AMAZING!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 15: A Person You Admire

This one is simple, I greatly admire my mother. She is very strong, talented, beautiful, funny, outgoing, warm, intelligent and kind. This woman can accomplish anything she puts her mind to and will come out on top.

She was a single mom for a while and did it so well. I never went hungry, homeless, or unloved and she had the good sense to marry someone who would make a great dad (I love you too Big Mac). These are my parents below. Aren't they an attractive couple? ;)

My mom continues to amazing me with her wisdom and love. When I was at home I didn't have to deal with the real world much and when I went out on my own I quickly learned that my mom made it look easy. I still constantly call with questions from small things like, what temperature do I bake chicken? To big things like, what are some loan options to buy a home? She's the kind of mom who walks me through each step and then sends me emails at 2am with research she did on my question, just in case I needed more help. Wonderful. :)

I love my mom very much and there are so many things she does that I admire and look up to. The woman is a powerhouse and walks around like it's no big deal. I love that, she can run her own company and still clean up after a house full of boys. ;) Thanks for being a role model for me mom. You're a dang good one!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 14: A Vacation You Would Like To Take

I would LOVE to go to Bora Bora! I mean yeah, a month long trip to Europe with Dom would be amazing but I have been there before and I have always wanted to go to Bora Bora. I think it all started when I was around 11. I saw The Parent Trap in theaters with my mom and there's that scene when she says her friend was on a trip with her family to Bora Bora, well I didn't know where that was so I looked it up and have been longing to go ever since. Just take a look at the place:

Not only is the island amazing but it's where you stay that really won me over. They have houses on the water. You just walk out your door and jump in if you want, into the crystal clear water.

I would love to snorkel right by my room in the morning. Swim on up to the beach and sunbathe and then swim right back to my room to eat my room service lunch. Then get onto a little dingy tied up to my dock and putt around the island with Dom.

If you want to join, I'm sure group rates are more affordable. ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 13: A Guilty Pleasure

I am SO embarrassed to be admitting this publicly but my guilty pleasure is watching Sister Wives.

Oh boy, it's out there now. I don't know how to come back from that one. Maybe I should explain myself. I started watching it because I was curious about how in the world polygamist families function. I am quite the handful for Dom, I couldn't imagine anyone handling an additional 3 wives. Where do they live, how do the kids take it, how to the wives treat each other?

If I were a cat, I'd be dead since I have now added this to our DVR. I will probably never hear the end of this with Dom but I'm invested now, how do I walk away from cliffhangers like, "The fourth wife will be announcing big news on the next episode?" Oh well, blushing is not something I do but if I could watch your reactions to this confession, then I might not be able to avoid it. The only solace I have is that your guilty pleasure might be as bad. :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 12: A Song That You Played At Your Wedding

The song Dom and I danced to at our wedding was Sea of Love by Cat Power. We chose this song because well, we loved it. It took us away, away from the business of the wedding planning, the craziness of people who R.S.V.Pd but didn't show and the eyes of everyone watching us. We were in our own little world, a world we had just vowed to never leave and one where I could spend forever telling Dominic how much I love him.

*Siiiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhh. What a great moment. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 11: A Photo Of You Taken Recently

Dom and I went to Apple Hill last weekend and one of our first stops was Bodhaine's. They sell pie and it's his family's favorite. He looked so cute shoving in his favorite slice of French Apple Pie. See:

I ended up having a slice of Blackberry Sour Cream. This was kind of a bad idea on our part. I mean it was yummy but the whole rest of the day we were complaining about how sick we felt. Too much sweet; too much food. This of course didn't stop us from buying 2 1/2 gallons of apple cider, fudge, an apple and kettle corn to take home for later. :) It was a super fun day and I can't wait to go back.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 10: A Photo Of You Taken Over Ten Years Ago

Yep, that's me when I was twelve I think. Something you should know, I've looked the same since I was tiny. Seriously, I think the only thing that has changed about me is that I have made an attempt to tame my eyebrows but the rest of my face is pretty much the same.......the body is obviously different. If you don't believe me then just look for yourself:

(One and a halfish)

Anyway, the top picture is me in my room, drawing. Let's point out some choice pieces of decor shall we? Notice the N*Sync poster on the left. Justin Timberlake was working it even then, and the Dawson's Creek poster above my bed. I honestly didn't even remember I had that, let alone put it there until my mom sent this picture to me. One last thing, the clown picture on top of my dresser. Clowns freak some people out but I don't mind them and I think it's cause I had a clown theme when I was a baby. It wasn't creepy and I am rather fond of this particular picture. If I knew where it was I might try and work it into my current art collection. Incase anyone wanted to visit me, ever, I would make sure to put it somewhere discreet. ;)

Thanks mom for riffling through pictures of your little girl for me!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 9: A Photo You Took

This picture is from a visit to Dom's house while we were dating. I must have taken it 3 or 4 times because it kept coming out blurry due to the lighting and when it did finally come out I loved it! I loved how we are holding hands and it shows us touching the water to show we were officially there. I know, I know OMG more info. about Dom? Obsessed much? I bet you said this in a 13 year old girl's voice like I was thinking it but yes, more about Dom and how I love the man. I mean you're learning a little more about me and so he is bound to show up time and again. :)

Anyway, there is a little river or maybe more of a stream over by his house and we took a walk to see it. Dom's little theory is that if we are by water then we have to touch it or else we weren't there and by this time in our relationship I thought it was more of a, if we didn't swim in it then we weren't there kind of thing, since we always ended up that way, voluntarily or not.

Side story, Dom used to throw me into water.................a lot, or at least tried to get me as wet as possible when near water. The picture below is when he came to visit me for the first time and threw me into our pool, fully clothed. He did this again at the river near Folsom, fully clothed and then picked me up and ran me through the water fountain stream thingys at Marine World, again fully clothed. Bathing suits didn't matter much to him and thankfully he has grown out of this and now all I have to do is touch the water when we go somewhere.

The first picture shown is hanging up in our home because of how much I love it and probably always will be. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 8: A Thank You Letter To Someone Who Has Changed Your Life

Dear Dominic,

I love you. I love that I know exactly why I love you and the reasons are foundational, not conditional. You know that, obviously, you're an important person in my life but how important may not be clear. Let me explain. When I fell in love with you it changed me and when I found out you loved me back that change became irreversible. This is a good change, a great change in fact. I got to see what God's love is like so much better, that unconditional, never failing love and I still get see to everyday because you loved me enough to commit your whole life to me. Thank you for that, by the way. ;)

What I really want to be thanking you for is that change I was talking about. Loving you made me want to become a better person. I wanted to treat my family, friends and neighbors better, I wanted to become smarter and well kept (it was hard to ditch the UGGs everyday look) and mostly, I wanted to live up to the love that you showed me. This is all wonderful and definitely deserves a thank you but what I am truly thankful for is the fact that you brought me closer to God. I finally understood what true justification meant. You were patient enough to explain it to me time and time again and work through my warped understanding of God's grace.

It's as simple as believing in Him and that He died on the cross for my sins, past, present and future and that I don't have to and can't do anything to repay Him for that. A works based faith doesn't work and this was my natural reaction to the good news. Now I've got it right and it's all because of you. Thank you! Thank you for your love and showing me what grace is. I love you more than you know and always will.

Your Grateful Wife

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 7: Five Things You Couldn't Possibly Live Without

Hmmmm, that's a good question. Let me think....Alright, here we go. These are in no particular order:

1. Yarn & Needles
(technically that's two but they really go hand in hand)

I live to knit. If you didn't already know that then this is your first time reading my blog.....nice to meet you. :)

2. Prayer

I'm not a prayer warrior or anything but this is how I stay most connected to God. I love being able to talk with Him all day long and ask for his help and know He is listening and loves me so much it's incomprehensible.

3. Movies

I LOVE T.V. but whenever I haven't had cable I have gotten by just fine popping in my favorite movies and watching them over and over again. I love getting lost in a story and exploring a new place visually along with the characters.

4. Books

Books are a step up from movies for me. I get to picture the perfect setting and actors and I get to know the characters more. These two quotes give you a glimpse of how I feel about books.

"A good book should leave you... slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it." ~William Styron, interview, Writers at Work, 1958

"I get absolutely and undeniably attached to book characters to the point where I cry and laugh with them, and physically miss them when I finish reading the book." -author unknown

(Seriously, I don't usually quote)

5. Junk Food

Chips!!!!!!! Dense, moist brownies, soda, cheeseburgers, onion rings.......MMmmmmmmmmmm! It's all SO good.

I hope you guys share in some of these and if you do, I would LOVE to chat about them with you. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 6: A Moment You Wish You Could Relive

I have been thinking about this one all day. I mean how do I approach this? Is it a moment I regret and want to fix or a moment that was highly embarrassing that I want to turn around? I know that relive and not redo usually indicates that it would mean a moment I loved so much I want to do it twice but is that how I want to answer this? Taking into account all three options, I had a hard time narrowing it down to even a few choices.

Uh, do I want to do the obvious and talk about moments from my wedding or those times when I thought I would suffocate I was laughing so hard with friends or how about playing with puppies? Who wouldn't want to have a chance of playing with their dog in the puppy stage again? Volleyball games/practices, moments I made my mom laugh, getting awards, every brownie sundae I've ever had from CPK.......And then there's the entire dating period Dom and I had. I replayed those moments time and time again after Dom dropped me off for the night that I might be ok to skip this option but it was just SO good that I'm having trouble ruling it out. I guess I should be feeling pretty blessed right about now that I ha
ve so many moments in my life that I want to relive because they were just that good. :)

So what's it going to be? What moment did it fo
r me that, if asked by a genie tomorrow, I would be completely prepared to relive? I'm going with: When Dom proposed to me. I don't know if you know our proposal story or not but it was up on our wedding website but that's gone now so I'll put it here. It's kinda long so you can skip down to the bottom if you'd like.

The Proposal:

Well you guessed it, he proposed and the joy that I experienced before was childs play compared to the complete and utter happiness that I am experiencing now. Let's just say that life definitely got better. There is a bit more to it than that though so let's start off at the beginning. Dom and I try and go on a big date at least once a month if we can and then little dates whenever possible. Well, we had not done either in a while and so he told me to prepare for a big date soon. I was super stoked and started counting down the days, seeing as how he told me about two weeks in advance.

Now when we do dates the one who plans it doesn't tell the other what is going to happen. We try and keep everything a surprise as much as possible. This date was of course going to be a surprise but I did get to know one thing, we were starting the date off at the beach.

Well, the day finally arrived, Nov. 15, and I was so excited that I hopped out of bed before my alarm went off. He picked me up around 11am and we headed to Huntington Beach. Now there had been fires in our area and so there were heavy smoke clouds looming over La Mirada which we were able to escape at the beach. It was a perfect day, 90 degrees, not too crowded, we found a great spot and set up camp. Laying on the blanket, we took in the glorious rays of sunshine and reminisced about our relationship. We eventually wandered to the water where we dipped our fingers and toes in just to make sure we had been there and then proceeded to make a sand castle. It was quite the amazing castle if I do say so myself, comparable to the Taj Mahal. After that we played volleyball and threw a Frisbee around.

By the end of our beach adventure the smoke clouds had caught up with us and had started to take over the sky. As we were packing up we were in admiration of the beautiful reflection that the clouds had on the water. We got a couple pictures of it. After this, we moved into phase two of the date but not before an intermission. Normally if we have to split up in order to get all ready and beautified we only take the time necessary to do so, this time around Dom said we had an hour and a half to get ready because he didn't want to rush me. He also said I could get as dressed up as I liked. I love to get dressed up so I took him up on his offer and put on a new dress that he had never seen.

After the hour and a half was up, he came to the door and we exchanged comments about how great the other one looked and then we were on our way. Seriously though, he looked good! Suit, tie, watch...he pulled out all the stops. Due to the fires some freeways were closed and so we had to take an alternate route, which put us a little behind schedule. This was fine with me since I had no idea what we were doing. We finally arrived at our destination, P.F. Changs. This is my favorite restaurant! He said we could order whatever we wanted and so we did, appetizers, entrees, and dessert.

After our meal was complete we went on to our next destination, the movie theater across the street. Once we got there I realized he had just recreated our first date. We had gone to dinner and a movie at the same locations and then went to the beach afterward. It was a cute realization. Unfortunately since we ordered desert we had made ourselves late for the movie which didn't matter since it was sold out anyway. We tried the old buy a ticket for another movie and just sneak in anyway trick but it didn't work, they wouldn't let us in. We ended up going to the movie Changeling. It was quite the opposite of what he had originally intended us to go see (James Bond) but we had a ton of fun joking around and laughing about how it was such a bad date movie. :)

This is where I thought the night was going to end. We had mentioned going to get coffee earlier but we never stopped anywhere and I figured the date was so much fun anyway, it was a good time to go home and smile about it while getting ready for bed. Well, Dom had other plans. As we passed my street and I began to get suspicious he said that he wasn't through with me yet and that we should go and see if they had put our bench back.

I will have to pause to give you some important background information about our bench. There is this little park by school that we always take walks in and there is a bench at the end of the park where we have had many important and long conversations. No matter where we are in our relationship we always seem to be able to talk here for hours. Well, at the beginning of the semester when we took our first walk after Christmas break we noticed that they had taken our bench! We didn't know why or when they would replace it. After many more disappointed trips to the park we began to give up hope but it seemed Dom wanted to try one more time on our date.

So, we parked by the entrance and started walking. As we were strolling through the park he stopped and pointed out something in the concrete, it turns out he was just killing time but it was fun nonetheless. We talked and danced and hugged for a while before we moved on to our spot. As we got closer I saw something glowing in the distance. I thought someone had put up Christmas lights on the fence and how that was odd, thinking where did they plug it in and would the city allow that? I then realized, after several more steps that the glowing came from tea light candles in white paper bags that outlined the walkway up to and around our bench. There were also two huge vases full of beautiful roses on either side of the bench on the ground and flower petals lining the walkway and all over the bench.

As the wheels started turning I began to smile thinking this could be it!! He walked me through the flower petals and sat me down on the bench. Taking both of my hands he stared at me and said how much he loved me and how he couldn't imagine being without me and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Then he took a box out of his pocket and opened it up to reveal my gorgeous ring and stood up and said, "Candice Ann Clark....(got down on one knee) will you marry me?" At this point my brain stopped working and I went into shock. I remember him saying my name clearly but everything else is a little hazy. I eventually stammered out a yes and he sat down with me and put the ring on my finger!

I am pretty sure that I said, "Are you serious?!!" about a hundred times and his handsome, patient faced smiled back saying yes. I smiled so big it hurt and I began to laugh and cry into my hands. I have never been so happy in my life! We hugged and smiled and then prayed together. It was all so wonderful. We were then greeted by his roommates a little later since they came to clean everything up for us. They set everything up as well, they are so nice. After this we scampered off to celebrate. We couldn't really think of anywhere that would be open at 12:30 at night so we went to a 24 hour doughnut shop we had seen. I was too giddy to eat but it was fun being able to talk about spending the rest of our lives together!

He dropped me off around 1:30am and I ran to my room to wake up my roommate a.k.a. one of the maids of honor, Mindy. After a quick dispute of unbelief from my half-asleep Mindy, we screamed about the news for about an hour and a half before I drifted off into a dream land that wasn't nearly as good as my reality. :)

Well, you made it to the end. I applaud you! I hope that you enjoyed the journey as much as I have. :)

So, when he asked and I said yes I basically broke down. I put my hands to my face and cried through my giggles and smile. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and the happiness was almost unbearable. Pretty much every time I was with Dom I would be shouting in my head, "I want to marry you! I want to marry you! I want to marry you!" and because he wanted to keep everything a surprise we never had a serious discussion about our future together. To know that he felt the same way I did and all my dreams were coming true and I no longer had to wonder and hope, it was greater than any happiness I had ever known. So yeah, I would definitely love to relive this moment. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 5: A Favorite Quote

Ok, I swear this whole challenge isn't about my favorites. There are actually other questions I have to answer that have nothing to do with random things I like. In fact, this is the last favorite one. Anyway, I'm not really a big quote person, I mean quotes like this. I quote movies, T.V. shows, and friends constantly but quotes where you can either gain some knowledge or teach something, hardly ever. I asked Dom and he agreed that I don't do that sort of thing so it was hard to think of one for today. I was even looking up quotes but I thought, no, I don't use this and then a light bulb went off. I have actually quoted this before and even though I got it from someone else, I still love it. Here it is:

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C.S. Lewis

My Friend Mini (Mindy) quoted this on her facebook page about our friendship and I couldn't have agreed more. We met in college, we were assigned to be roommates and one weekend when our other roommate was gone (we did miss you Sam), we decided to rearrange the entire dorm room. It took a while and we even had to take a break and eat dinner, this was pretty much our first quality time together and that quote sums up how the entire weekend went. She is now one of my best friends and was my roommate all through college. So there you have it, a quote I love and have used. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 4: A Favorite Television Program

Friends......duh. What else is there? JK. I do like myself some Office, as well as, So You Think You Can Dance and a lot of Bravo competition shows but they are all easily surpassed by Friends. I mean who do you know that can't hum along with the theme song? Or know at least half of the character's names and their main personality traits? My favorite character is Chandler. I can't even count how many times I have cried from laughing at the things he has said. His physical comedy is also top notch.

I have watched through every single episode and then after I got all 10 seasons for my birthday, I watched through them again. It's safe to say that my favorite episode is from Season 4 titled, The One With The Embryos (episode 12). That's where the above picture is from. This show is just SO good. I love the characters, the comedy, the plot, and even how it ended. If anyone wants to sit through 10 seasons of Friends with me, I'm totally down. :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 3: A Favorite Book

Easy peasy lemon squeezie, my favorite book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. She is also my favorite author because she writes this series that is just wonderful but anyway, Redeeming Love is AMAZING! It's based off the book Hosea from the Bible and at times can be heartbreaking but the growth, love, and redemption you experience with the main character is awesome.

This book has helped me to see that no matter what shameful things I have done in my past, God still loves me. He doesn't love me like how we love people, He loves me like He created love to be. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails......"

I don't know about you, but my love fails often, like when I'm easily angered or when I won't apologize because I know I'm right. God is love and He does all of these things at the same time, perfectly and He forgives and continues to love me when I mess up. Redeeming Love helped me see that my past is forgiven and even though I know God has forgiven my present and future as well, it was hard for me to let go of what I had done in the past. I am redeemed and it feels SO good. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 2: A Favorite Movie

You know how I talked about those posts where it would take a little more time for me to figure out an answer? Well, this is one of them.......Ugh, I LOVE movies! I have so many favorites that this questions is just about impossible for me to answer. Pride&Prejudice (A&E version of course), Now&Then, First Wives Club, The Holiday, Boondock Saints, In Her Shoes, A Christmas Story, You've Got Mail, Sense&Sensibility, The Lake House, Grind, Baby Mama............I mean the list goes on and on.

Ok Candice, serioulsy, just choose one. This isn't a lifelong commitment, no one is going to hunt you down if you claim that some other movie is your favorite in the future..............A favorite movie of mine issssssssssssssssssss: Now&Then.

I think I'm choosing this one because I've loved it the longest. It's a great movie about camaraderie, figuring out who you are, and adventure. I just love how their different personalities balance each other out, not to mention Devon Sawa is in it (major crush on him in Elementary School). Also, it's set in the 60s and they ride their fabulous beach cruisers everywhere. It makes me want to throw on some keds, a fuchsia shirt and ride around town with my girls. :)